Core concepts

HTTP Requests

In OpenSwoole, WebSockets extends the HTTP Server.

Customizing the Conveyor Server

The Conveyor Server offers several customization points, allowing you to add an HTTP handler to manage HTTP requests and serve your website or any HTTP interface.

In this example, we utilize the Conveyor Server Events to customize the server behavior. For more information on Conveyor Server Events, you can refer to the Conveyor Server Events.

Adding an HTTP Handler

Option 1:

The following example demonstrates how to add an HTTP handler using the Conveyor Server and OpenSwoole:

3use Conveyor\ConveyorServer;
4use OpenSwoole\Http\Request;
5use OpenSwoole\Http\Response;
6use Conveyor\Events\PreServerStartEvent;
8$listeners = [
9    ConveyorServer::EVENT_PRE_SERVER_START => fn (PreServerStartEvent $event) => 
10        $event->server->on('request', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
11           $response->end('Hello World!');
12        }),
15(new ConveyorServer())
16    ->eventListeners($listeners)
17    ->start();

In this example:

  • We use the ConveyorServer::EVENT_PRE_SERVER_START event to set up a listener that handles HTTP requests.
  • The event listener is defined using a closure that takes a PreServerStartEvent object.
  • Inside the event listener, we attach a handler to the server's request event, which sends a "Hello World!" response to incoming HTTP requests.

This setup allows the Conveyor Server to handle HTTP requests and respond accordingly, enabling you to serve web content or create custom HTTP interfaces.

The tradeoff of the option 1 is that it prevents broadcasting from happening via HTTP since it intercepts from the very beginning of the http handling functionality. Broadcasting is a feature available in Conveyor to send messages to specific channels via HTTP, see more here: Broadcasting Messages to Channels via HTTP Requests.

Option 2:

3include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
5use Conveyor\Constants;
6use Conveyor\ConveyorServer;
7use OpenSwoole\Http\Request;
8use OpenSwoole\Http\Response;
9use Hook\Filter;
13    fn() => fn(Request $request, Response $response) => $response->end('Hello World!'),
16(new ConveyorServer())->port(9501)->start();

In this example:

  • We use the Filter Hook Constants::FILTER_REQUEST_HANDLER to set up a callback that handles HTTP requests.
  • The callback takes a Request and Response object and sends a "Hello World!" response to incoming HTTP requests.

The option 2 allows the broadcasting to happen via HTTP since it is not intercepting the http handling functionality.

Broadcasting Messages to Channels via HTTP Requests

Conveyor provides the ability to broadcast messages to specific channels using HTTP requests through a reserved special endpoint: /conveyor/message. This endpoint will broadcast messages to the specified channel as defined in the payload.

To broadcast a message via HTTP request, the following is a CURL example of the request:

1curl -X POST \
2  {url}/conveyor/message \
3  -H "Host: {your_host}:{your_port}" \
4  -H "User-Agent: Jacked Server HTTP Proxy" \
5  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
6  -d '{
7    "channel": "{channel-name}",
8    "message": "{message}"
9  }'

Assuming your Conveyor server is running on http://localhost:8080, and you want to broadcast a message to a channel named MONITOR_CHANNEL with the content Hello World, the CURL command would look like this:

1curl -X POST \
2  http://localhost:8080/conveyor/message \
3  -H "Host: localhost:8080" \
4  -H "User-Agent: Jacked Server HTTP Proxy" \
5  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
6  -d '{
7    "channel": "MONITOR_CHANNEL",
8    "message": "Hello World"
9  }'

This command will send a POST request to the /conveyor/message endpoint, broadcasting the specified message to the MONITOR_CHANNEL.

By following this specification, you can easily broadcast messages to any channel supported by your Conveyor server through HTTP requests.

Conveyor SubProtocol