Conveyor Server Events

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“Each part responds to the events with precision, creating a harmonious and responsive system.”

Conveyor Server comes with events that you can add listeners to and customize the whole mechanism. Here is the list of events:


This event happens before the server starts. This can be used to handle HTTP connections or to customize other server events. To know more, check: Handling HTTP Requests.

The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class PreServerStartEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
    ) {


This event happens after the server has started. The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class ServerStartedEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
    ) {


This event happens before the server reloads. The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class PreServerReloadEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
    ) {


This event happens after the server reloads. The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class PostServerReloadEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
    ) {


This event happens whenever a message is received. The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class MessageReceivedEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
        public string $data,
    ) {


This event happens before a received message is handled. The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class BeforeMessageHandledEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
        public string $data,
        public int $fd,
    ) {


This event happens when a received message is handled. The listener will receive an instance of the following class as input:


namespace Conveyor\Events;

use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;

class AfterMessageHandledEvent
    public function __construct(
        public Server $server,
        public string $data,
        public int $fd,
    ) {